

The 3 Best Practices for Effective Collaboration with Millennials

"Millennials expect to build a better future, using the collaborative power of digital technology."                          ...

3 Steps to Multicultural Marketing For Greater Profits

Multicultural consumers currently have a $3.4 trillion purchasing power and are the fifth largest consumer market. By taking special steps to tap into this market, you...

The 3 Most Effective Protocols for Effective Multicultural Collaboration

In the work that we’ve done with leaders around the country, there is a 3-part process that we have found to be effective in...

When Leaders Create Cultures Where Everyone Can Speak Up

Research from the University of Pennsylvania confirms what we here at the VLNetwork already knew!  Workplaces where individuals can celebrate their authentic selves are 50%...

3 Keys to Enhancing Workplace Collaboration

“Collaboration is key for a company... to tell a believable story”                               ...
global extension

The Top 3 Things C-Suite Leaders Need to Drive Innovation & Inclusion

  Innovation and diversity can appear in almost any aspect of an organization or businesses. It can appear in things from designing and promoting products to...

The Top 6 Strategies to Foster Multicultural Collaboration

Providing sufficient training and coaching to ensure that every corporate leader understands the benefits of creating inclusive cultures is only the first step when it comes to...

Why I LOVE Consulting and Training in the Workplace

People are willingly, caring, and have a capacity within themselves to want to give that is heroic. Most importantly, everyone you meet has gone...

5 Hidden Ways Your Company Leadership May Be Embracing Exclusion

 Diversity and creativity are the driving force behind many new products, services and businesses. But despite the indispensability of diversity and innovation, the leadership...

How Leaders Can Break Down Barriers in The Modern World

More than ever, the brand reputation of companies suffers when their leadership does not receive effective leadership development and inclusion training. A recent example...


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