“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” – Denis Waitley

It is often easy to get stuck when insurmountable challenges arrive. Whether you are a leader who is looking to move their company further, or your someone whose long-term goals seem unattainable, it is important to not stay in the continuous loop of not moving forward out of fear. As people, we feel fulfilled when we see progress in our lives. Losing confidence (because of a difficulty or uncertainty) and not knowing what your next steps are can be immense step backs in both your personal life and/or career. Here are 3 tips that can prevent you from feeling helplessness and encourage you not to retreat and give up.

3 Tips On How To Move Forward When You Are Stuck

1. Know that you DO have choices when you are stuck. Often when we feel dis-empowered we tend to believe we do not have other choices. It is important to take a step back, breath and revaluate the situation.

2. Be grateful for what you already have. By taking the time to appreciate what you have and your surroundings, you allow yourself to shine with positivity.

3. Don’t doubt your own dreams and take action. It does not matter what your dream is or if you get validation from others. Believing in yourself is the first step that is then going to drive to take action.

Bonus Video Resource 

Traciana Graves’ vlog, serves as a call to action for all the hardworking professionals in today’s world to just get up, move, and go. She discusses the importance of exercise and movement in relation to mental and physical health and inspires and motivates you with 3 simple steps to add endorphin-releasing movement in your week: decide to move, schedule a time to do it, and fight the temptation to give up. She recognizes that unhappy work environments make us engage in self-destructive behavior, but implores us to help ourselves and move our lives forward.




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