This exclusive interview was filmed at BlogHer 


Digital Sisters/Sistas Inc. focuses on technologically enriching women and girls of color. Prior to Digital Sisters/Sistas Inc., Mitchell was head chair of the National Council of Women’s Organization. This organization was a progressive women’s groups representing 12 million American women, and she still leads the charge today. She graduated from the University of the District of Columbia with a masters degree in 2001.

“If you said a death threat to my face you will be arrested. If you said that online they believe it is a random comment 

– Shireen Mitchell, Founder of Digital Sisters/Sista Inc.

IHer Featured Interview on S.1 Shireen Reveals:

 – How cyberbullying effects employees

–  Understanding that everyone is subjected to threats online

–  Accepting that cyberbullying is a real issue

–  How social media allows the opportunities for threats