“Set the stage for everyone to thrive in business, independently of their gender, sexual orientation, or ethnic background”

About Estrella Jaramillo, Co-Founder of B-wom

B-wom is a platform that offers personalized women’s health programs, including recommended habits, guided exercises, and educational content to address health goals and concerns. It also includes a tracking tool that enables its users to see the evolution of their health. B-wom is raising awareness about the need to discuss openly and to create preventive solutions for women’s intimate health issues, from sexual pain, to postpartum recovery and menopause, demystifying the female anatomy and putting technology at the service of women’s health concerns. Estrella’s favorite part of her job is to say the “V word” in front of a room full of men and explaining why they should care about women’s intimate issues.

Estrella’s best practices for HR and corporate visionary leaders for preventing gender-based harassment and bias:

1. Power parity: Companies need to aim at building HR teams and Exec Boards that are diverse. This sets the scene for a diverse workplace.

2. Women’s reproductive health and family planning is a matter of two people and should not be viewed as a “problem to deal with” – This is the core of B-wom’s value proposition to employers: By offering competitive maternal health, family planning, and women’s health benefits, you are sending a very strong message about whether you support women’s professional development as a company.

3. Establish a clear Code of Conduct at the workplace based on respect, collaboration and professionalism, and communicate about best practices. If you do this successfully, there should be little room for “incidents”, and these should be handled immediately.

4. Be aware of your patterns of judgment and make sure to change them and act according to your values, not your preexisting notions.

5. Invest in workshops and coaching programs for your employees.

“We should be having an open conversation about more appropriate business dynamics”


How To Gain Access To Hearing Estrella’s Insights

The Visionary Leader Network is proud to feature Estrella Jamarillo’s powerful voice and perspective in our upcoming curated series, Body Politics: A Conversation About The Intersection Between Politics, Power & P***. We will begin releasing episodes from this curated series on May 21st


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