“If it means a lot to you, do it. Putting your trust in others will have you waiting for eternity.”

About Daniel Calderon, Entrepreneur & Brand Consultant

Daniel Calderon, a native of Brooklyn, NY, is a brand consultant and the co-founder of Four Thirty. Along with the services his companies provide, his team consults corporations and entrepreneurs in business development, human resources, social media strategy and digital marketing. He and his teams, develop creative ideas that win and help make running businesses easier, profitable, and highly competitive.

Daniel In His Own Words How He Got Started

I got kicked out of my mom’s home when I was 16 years old. I dropped out of high school during that period of time. I was able to re-enroll, finish high school on time, enter and finish college without consistent support of my family. This was my first bout of figuring out how to stay calm through adversity and working relentlessly to accomplish my goals.


“The inner voice in my head kept reminding me of my destiny and I kept fighting it, making excuses because of my unfortunate plight.”


Daniel’s Success Recipe for Overcoming and Achieving

– Process/Understand the situation

– Get over it, yourself and your feelings

– Write a plan that is dependent on you

– Get help where you are not proficient

– Appreciate everyone who has helped you

– Do it again.

How To Gain Access To Hearing Daniel’s Insights

The Visionary Leader Network is delighted to featuring Daniel Calderon in one of our upcoming Visionary Salon Events. In this upcoming event, Daniel will share his insights and best practices for achieving extraordinary breakthroughs in his business. We look forward to featuring him in our salon entitled Gratitude and Giving: Personal & Professional Success Best Practices. For more information about attending this event featuring Daniel virtually or in person, click here to gain access.


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