Photo by: Xue Xia

“Success and talent come in all different shapes and forms. We need to be able to change our perceptions in how we view ourselves and how others view us.”

                                                 – Mignon L. Clyburn, Former FCC Commissioner

Top performers know the importance of envisioning success. However, often times when business leaders want to enhance aspects of their personal or professional lives, they can end up focusing on failures from their past. It is true that memories and past experiences can mold you into the person you are today. They also have proven to be instrumental in the process of creating your business. But in order to to reach the new heights in your business, you have to start envisioning the future.

When visualizing future successes, your subconscious will try to come up with solutions for all possible upcoming obstacles, leaving you more prepared than ever. This can help you reveal sources of aid you might not otherwise have considered, and would likely have missed in the moment.

Visualization could be the key to new business successes. You perceive, conceive and believe based on more than what you alone can see, hear, taste, touch and smell, and primarily on what you can imagine. When you envision your success, the impossible becomes possible, the unexplainable occurs and you can  say to your partners: “I believed it, envisioned it, and achieved it.”


Bonus Video Resource

In this video, Traciana Graves introduces a retroactive approach to re-evaluating one’s life. Looking at your future self, that is living the career and life you dream of, is sometimes unimaginable because it is the complete opposite of your current state. However, allowing your future self to speak to you in the present is a method that provides you with a source of encouragement and the spark of perseverance. Traciana discusses 3 simple steps that allow an introspective analysis of one’s current state of being and how one can achieve their goals, by shifting their perspective from their present to the future and vicariously live their dreams, as a source of motivation for all endeavors.





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